Diaspora - A New Broken Ministry

As we meet and talk to new people, we are finding out more about the process of people being returned to El Salvador from the U.S. We are also learning about the conditions to which they are returning. The term deportee is viewed as negative not only within the culture but also in the community of those being returned. We will be referring to these folks as our “Returning Brothers and Sisters”. Although we have no information on the percentage breakdown, we find there are three major groups of Returning Brothers and Sisters when they exit immigration at the airport. 1. One category would be people returning to family. This would be, mother, aunts, uncles, etc. knowing of their return and meeting them at the airport, providing a place to live, food and help getting a job. 2. The second category would be people returning that have been referred to connections in El Salvador through various ministries (such as Priso...