
Showing posts from January, 2016


We are very glad to communicate this week that God has been doing amazing things at our site.  So, here we go: Kevin Cabrera (Wired Director), got his visa! It is not easy to get a visa to go to the USA from El Salvador, but God (in his will) allowed Kevin to get this important document that will allow him to visit the States (Lord Willing) for the Life Conference this year and for him to be able to come and promote our Envision Site in the States as well. As we shared with you last week, the principal of the public school where we run our after school program La Fuente, invited Kevin Cabrera for a meeting with the parents committee and (long story short) 52 kids were enrolled at our program for 2016, that is almost 3 times as many kids that attended the program at the end of last year. Glory to God! We already signed our first official partnership for 4 years with Gospel Alliance Church in PA, that means a lot to us. We are very thankful to God for this. Youth football o...


Here is a quick update about what is going on at our site. We are thanking God!  We are half way complete with the groups’ registrations.  We need 240 people total and God has blessed us with at least half of it right now. Also, there is a church in Philadelphia that is very interested in a long-term partnership with us and we are very thankful that God is answering our prayers. Hungry Church Banner Hungry Church Group Discussion We had our first service for the Hungry Church! It was a real blessing for us and especially to see how God is transforming hearts for His glory. One of the guys we met through football, who accepted Christ and was baptized last year, served as an usher during the service.  It’s so amazing to see the results of our labor.  We praise God for that! The principal of the public school where we are running our after school program “La Fuente”, asked Kevin Cabrera (our groups/interns coordinator) to come for a meeting to d...

House Next Door

Hello everyone! Back in November our site coordinator, Tony Escalante, visited the USA to go on a tour visiting various churches that had previously sent groups to our site. One of the most important things he shared with these churches is a project we have to buy a second property. A house right next door to our actual building! We would like to be able to provide this house as a more private, safer and more home-like place for our female interns who actually live in the ministry center (This is also an idea for the guy interns in the future but we want to go one step at the time). Also, we want to be able to host more of the Hungry Church activities like Kids Church, Bible studies, etc. in our ministry center. We want to be more intentional in creating a friendly atmosphere with the people we are reaching out to. Instead of renting someone else’s space for these activities, paying for something that will never be ours, we want to use what we have to the fullest potential....

Week of Prayer & Fasting

Happy New Year!  We at Envision Wired El Salvador are anticipating a great and fruitful 2016.  We believe God has great plans for us.  The first of which is the first service of Hungry Church  on Saturday, January 16. We would like to ask you to join us in Prayer & Fasting beginning today, January 8 and continuing through next Friday, January 15.  We read in Ezra 8:23, " So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. " Please pray for wisdom, discernment and patience. for Butch as he prepares the first message. for Nestor, Butch and the team as they visit call centers in order to invite folks to the first service. for Nestor as he develops the team that will serve in Hungry Church. for leaders to rise up and be willing to help and serve. that we find leaders for the kids program. that every detail of this first service is addressed and that things flow seamlessly. for the men, women and chi...