Week of Prayer & Fasting
Happy New Year! We at Envision Wired El Salvador are anticipating a great and fruitful 2016. We believe God has great plans for us. The first of which is the first service of Hungry Church on Saturday, January 16.
We would like to ask you to join us in Prayer & Fasting beginning today, January 8 and continuing through next Friday, January 15. We read in Ezra 8:23, "So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."
Please pray
- for wisdom, discernment and patience.
- for Butch as he prepares the first message.
- for Nestor, Butch and the team as they visit call centers in order to invite folks to the first service.
- for Nestor as he develops the team that will serve in Hungry Church.
- for leaders to rise up and be willing to help and serve.
- that we find leaders for the kids program.
- that every detail of this first service is addressed and that things flow seamlessly.
- for the men, women and children that will be attending to be open to hear God's message.
- for Chris who will be leading worship.
- that the rehearsal on Friday, January 15 will reveal any needs that we have not addressed.
Long term, please pray
- for an English speaking Pastor, who is willing to "Love Those Who Others Fear to Love".
- for resources to purchase a system for translating from English to Spanish.
- for a facility or building that can be dedicated to Hungry Church use.
Thank you for your commitment to pray for Envision El Salvador.
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