
Showing posts from 2015


MERRY CHRISTMAS We at Envision Wired El Salvador want to wish you a very merry Christmas or as they say here, "Feliz Navidad."   Interns Needed: The Broken Ministry is being blessed by God with many ministry opportunities and we need boots on the ground to serve in these ministries.  Whether you can come for one month, 3 months or two years, we need you.  No matter what your skills are, you can be used by God.  God does not call the equipped, He equips the called! Hungry Church: First service is Saturday, January 16 - please pray for all the details to come together and that God would clear the path for folks to come. Hungry Church Kids Program needs volunteers. Hungry Church needs an English speaking pastor. Pray that we can work out the necessity of translation for some of the wives and kids who do not speak English. Football Outreach We were just presented with the opportunity to have a US University team participate in the ...
El Refugio of CDA Church CORRECTION to Merry Christmas Kids of El Refugio In the previous email I phrased the information about El Refugio incorrectly.  El Refugio is a program of CDA Church and not one of Envision Wired El Salvador's.  We are partnering with CDA in an effort to help develop the program and help to make it a success.  Through this partnership we are working alongside the Alliance in El Salvador offering what resources we have available. On another note, there has been a house next door and a building across the street come available for purchase.  Please pray for wisdom and discernment as we look at these options for future housing of interns and a meeting place for Hungry Church.
MERRY DECEMBER 8 of the Jaguares along with coaches Nestor and Butch were selected for the Big Blue National Team Santa Tecla Jaguares final game Surprise!  December is a month full of Americano Futbol.  The Santa Tecla Jaguares played their last game and had a winning season.  Football has come so far that the last game actually had yard lines and goal posts.   On Friday, December 4, the Big Blue National men's tackle team and the Liberty Hawks National women's flag team traveled to Honduras for a tournament that includes countries of Central America and northern South America.  They will return tomorrow night.  Please pray for safety. The Americano Futbol league is a tool we use to build relationships.  Out of these relationships we have consistent Bible studies and discipleship programs.  Please pray that these relationships are strengthened and for God to use us according to His will.    Shaina wi...
TONY'S TOUR TONY AND PETE BROKOPP HAVE BEEN TOURING THE U.S. They will visit 15 churches in 15 days. Tony is asking for continued prayer as they tour.  Please pray that God gives the right words for him to speak (he is speaking in English) and that doors will be opened to partner with our ministries.  We need churches to be willing to send short term missions teams, short or long term interns, and resources for our ministries to function. Fellowship Alliance Church in Columbia Falls, MT Dale Jaenke of Watsontown Alliance Church in Watsontown, PA   Tony and Pete Brokopp at Gospel Alliance Church in Belle Vernon, PA Maranatha Bible Chapel in Horseheads, NY  Missions Committee at First Alliance Church in Great Falls, MT Tony with Daniel Duda at Northside Baptist Church in Elizabethtown, KY Tony with Pastor Jim Davey of Adventure Church in Kalispell, MT Tony with Wayne Benson and Patty Barnett from Missoula Alliance Church ...
GOD CONTINUES TO WORK MIRACLES HERE IN EL SALVADOR The second after school program has started and we are partnering with CDA Church.   The Refuge is in the early stages and meets every Tuesday afternoon.  Please pray for the community to accept this opportunity for their children and for Laura (one of our interns) who is leading it along with Pastor Carlos.   This past Saturday we had the honor of baptizing another new believer.  G is excited about his future; and his wife is excited about the changes she sees in him.  Praise God! These relationships are built through the Football Outreach and we are seeing changes in many of the guys. Please pray for opportunities to build these relationships to become even more available and for hearts to be open. On November 22, we will be hosting a Thanksgiving Feast for the football players and their families. Please pray for obstacles to be removed that the guys and their families are able to...
Our director, Tony, is touring the States for the next couple of weeks. He will be speaking at churches, telling them about our mission and vision here at Wired. Please pray for him that God would give him the words to speak and that his time there would be productive. The mens' small group is meeting this Saturday evening. The topic will be on temptaion. Please be praying for the men attending that their hearts will be changed and that they will accept Christ as their Saviour. Also please pray for Ness as he leads the study. Please pray for Kevin and Shaina as they lead La Fuente. God is at work in the lives of the kids here, which means spiritual attack for the people leading. Please pray for protection for them and the kids. Kids at La Fuente learning The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13
Last Friday Gold Rush had their first ministry outreach! We partnered with a local organisation and went to sing, dance, and love the kids at a local children's hospital in honour of Children's Day.  All dressed up and ready to serve Bet you didn't know this is how snakes dance. It was such a joyful experience! Please pray for our team and that we would keep our eyes and ears open to more opportunities. Hungry Church is looking to open its doors in January, and as of right now, there is not a designated pastor.  Please pray that God would raise up the person that he wants to shepherd this new church! Continued prayer for La Fuente is also appreciated.  Please pray for the kids there as they face the day to day struggles of choosing right or wrong in difficult circumstances. Pray for them that they would understand the joy of trusting Christ with their lives and the freedom that is found in him alone.

September Updates

This week some of the Broken staff had the opportunity to attend the CMA Central American Conference in Panajachel, Guatemala. It was a great time of fellowship, learning, and discussion. Please pray that the connections formed there would be fruitful. Also, please pray for wisdom and direction for some new ministry ideas that were discussed there. Butch and Barb Volle left us last Wednesday for six weeks of training in North Carolina. Please pray for their time there and that they would be refreshed and ready to come back in November! Gold Rush, our girls' flag football team, is going strong. They practice hard and it is so encouraging to see them growing together as a team. We will begin our outreach ministry as a team very soon. Please pray for ministry opportunities and that we will be a light for Christ to everyone we will meet.
One of the Daily Devotions La Fuente (The Fountain) After School Program Shaina sharing with a few girls in a small group. Things at La Fuente have been very exciting as the presence of God has been extremely evident! We have developed such a strong atmosphere of trust with the students that God has been able to use us to answer some very heavy questions brought on by the students. This has been great in allowing us to continue to share His love with them in a variety of different ways!  Therefore, I would ask if you all could pray for the children to continue to open up and question their surroundings, and their current situations, in such a way that we at La Fuente can use their intrigue as a tool to continue to point the children to the only alternative that will save them, the love of Christ!   (Shaina Tomilin, Coordinator)
Jaguares Football Team with their fans from Gospel Alliance Church   GOSPEL ALLIANCE CHURCH SHORT TERM MISSION TEAM Gospel Alliance Church having VBS at Le Fuente These folks landed on a Friday afternoon and began their ministry as soon as they got to the Wired Ministry Center.  They were fans at the Jaguares American football game, participated in church in Comosaugua along with CPE and prayer, did much construction on the Wired Ministry Center and held VBS at the Le Fuente. Gospel Alliance Church ministering in Comosagua Please pray that the seeds planted would grow into mature Jesus Followers so they in turn can share their faith with others. The men's discipleship group continues to meet every other Saturday evening.  Please continue to pray for the men participating. There is more construction needed on our Wired Ministry Center.  Please pray for groups to listen to God's call to serve in El Salvador.  We are now boo...
Sanibel Community Church and Christ Community Church (Partial Group Picture) MINISTRY IN EL SALVADOR SANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA AND CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH OF FORT MYERS, FLORIDA  teamed up to minister here in El Salvador.  Since their arrival on Tuesday, we have seen many seeds planted that we hope you will pray that they are sown in fertile soil and will grow, so the young lives that have been touched can grow to make a difference in their schools, families and communities. This group has given their testimonies at a local public school, they have done a VBS program and they are working in a soup kitchen today.  Next week they will be doing a soccer tournament. Please pray for this group as they minister through soccer next week.  Please pray for the folks and youth that will be participating to have open hearts.  Pray that distractions are removed and many are able to come out. Staff Update:  Dan...
Jaquares and Aguilas ready to play. Independence Bowl Aguilas de Nicaragua vs Jaguares de Santa Tecla American Football in El Salvador played on a soccer field.  The Jaguars are in blue.  This is the team that Wired Staffers Nestor Cruz and Butch Volle are coaching.  This is a group of guys looking for a second chance at life who love the sport of football.  It is the perfect opportunity for two guys  (Nestor and Butch) who also love football to build relationships and friendships.  Jaguares Player helping an injured Aguilas Player Soup Kitchen Ministry feeds kids   spiritually and physically  whose parents are in gangs or in prison. Please pray, as we build these relationships, that we can make a difference in peoples lives. A new group from Florida will be arriving next week.  They will be partnering with the Soup Kitchen Ministry.  Please pray that these kids will see that they have choices...


Northside Baptist Church, Elizabethtown, KY WELCOME TO THE NEW ENVISION WIRED PRAYER BLOG We are excited to share with you what is happening at Envision Wired, El Salvador.  Our third group of the summer is about to leave us.  Northside Baptist Church has been a huge blessing to us and great encouragement.  This photo was taken of the Northside Baptist Church group during their history tour.  They had the opportunity to learn about the culture they would be serving in.  And serve they did!  This group did two different VBS programs at two different schools and it was a huge success.  Thank you Northside Baptist Church.