We at Envision Wired El Salvador want to wish you a very merry Christmas or as they say here, "Feliz Navidad."  

Interns Needed:
The Broken Ministry is being blessed by God with many ministry opportunities and we need boots on the ground to serve in these ministries.  Whether you can come for one month, 3 months or two years, we need you.  No matter what your skills are, you can be used by God.  God does not call the equipped, He equips the called!

Hungry Church:
  • First service is Saturday, January 16 - please pray for all the details to come together and that God would clear the path for folks to come.
  • Hungry Church Kids Program needs volunteers.
  • Hungry Church needs an English speaking pastor.
  • Pray that we can work out the necessity of translation for some of the wives and kids who do not speak English.
Football Outreach
  • We were just presented with the opportunity to have a US University team participate in the Big Blue practice.  Please pray that the logistics of this opportunity will work to Glorify God.
  • Pray for wisdom and discernment as we plan and prioritize the upcoming year.  There are so many opportunities, we cannot take them all on and must prioritize.  Pray for us to know God's will and to see His vision.
La Fuente
  • As you know, when school went on holiday break, Shaina left El Salvador for the opportunity to work in another ministry.  We have another intern coming in March to work with La Fuente, but Kevin needs help when school begins again in January.  Please pray for workers that have a heart for youth.
  • Please pray for the kids of La Fuente - that their faith grows over the holiday break and when January comes, they bring an abundance of their friends.
Current Interns
  • Hannah will be leaving in January.  Please pray for her as she transitions back into the US culture and for God to give her clear direction on the path He wants her to follow.
  • Daniel will be returning in January.  Please also pray for his transition back into the El Salvadoran culture.  Pray that God opens doors for Daniel to be used.  His heart is to open an English school.
  • Butch and Barb have been here for 7 months and have 5 months remaining on the commitment.  Their support has been decreasing over the last few months and their 5 months remaining may be in jeopardy.  Please pray for God to raise the support they need.  If you would like to offer support to them, please message us at for more information.
