Pray without ceasing

We're so excited to share with you lots of news from our site! We ask you to join us in applying 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to our ministry, and praying without ceasing. Our Site Perhaps the most exciting news of this last month was the birth of Tony and Claudia's daughter, Raquel. She was born on March 1st and we are overjoyed for the Escalante family! Both Claudia and Raquel are healthy and doing well! Please keep the family in your prayers for good health and as they get used to being a family of four. Aren't they cute?! We have our second team of the year coming this weekend from Plymouth Alliance Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin. We're excited to be starting a new partnership with a church in Quezaltepeque, where half the team will be doing a VBS for the children there. We currently have 10 teams confirmed for the summer, and we know God has big things in store for them! Please be praying that God would prepare the way for each team, and nothing would stop them ...