
Showing posts from 2019

We're moving the blog!

Hi everyone! We've moved our blog to our own website, which you can now visit at ! In the next few weeks, we will be working on migrating your emails to that site so that you can continue to receive our prayer blog posts in your inbox. Just be on the look out for an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Blessings, Envision El Salvador

Holding God to His Promises

1 Kings 17:14 says "For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There will always be flour and olive oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!” As a site we have seen the Lord remain faithful to His promises and we know that He will continue to do so in this season. Our Site We are now halfway through our year of abiding. Last week our staff took some time to contemplate what abiding has meant for them, and it was clear that God has been on the move in our staff's and teens' lives. We're seeing some of the fruit that He has promised us in John 15. Our biggest news from our site is that Laura Rodriguez has been approved to come back as a Site Associate. We are overjoyed at how the Lord has been faithful to her and to our site, and we hope to have her back with us in the next year! Help us to pray for her and her preparation processes. Ministries La Fuente God has been at work ...

Seeking God's Will in Everything

Happy May everyone! We have so many pieces of news to share with you all. God has been moving and providing and responding at our site! Ministries La Fuente Last month we were getting ready for the first ever La Fuente retreat. It went very smoothly and we gave the teens many opportunities to accept Christ or to repair their relationship with Him. Join us in praying for the teens who did accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pray that the Lord would give them the courage to publicly live out their faith, even as their peers and the rest of the world tell them to hide it. Check out a video from the retreat here . Tony is starting up his guys’ Bible study again on Thursdays. He currently has 3-5 guys interested. Pray that the Lord would use Tony to profoundly speak to these boys’ hearts about God’s word and His plan for His people. We shared last month that the Lord had provided two new tutors. AndrĂ©s and Freddy have been working with us for a few weeks now and they have been...

Continuing to abide...

Our Site Our second group of the season has come and gone, and we've seen God at work, orchestrating incredible plans and blessing this ministry abundantly. We don't have many new pictures to share with you, but we do have the words of our testimony and how we've witnessed God at work among us... Ministries La Fuente As you read this, we are holding our first La Fuente retreat! We have several special guests coming to speak to our teens and we hope to create a space for them to deeply encounter Christ. Mario has been hard at work planning out all the details and we are excited to share with you how everything turns out. Look for updates on our Facebook page! We are excited to share that God has remained faithful once again and has provided not one, but two math tutors through our new partnership with a local university! Lord willing, in the following week, they will start reviewing math material with the teens. Mavericks The Mavericks start their s...

Pray without ceasing

We're so excited to share with you lots of news from our site! We ask you to join us in applying 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to our ministry, and praying without ceasing. Our Site Perhaps the most exciting news of this last month was the birth of Tony and Claudia's daughter, Raquel. She was born on March 1st and we are overjoyed for the Escalante family! Both Claudia and Raquel are healthy and doing well! Please keep the family in your prayers for good health and as they get used to being a family of four. Aren't they cute?! We have our second team of the year coming this weekend from Plymouth Alliance Church in Plymouth, Wisconsin. We're excited to be starting a new partnership with a church in Quezaltepeque, where half the team will be doing a VBS for the children there. We currently have 10 teams confirmed for the summer, and we know God has big things in store for them! Please be praying that God would prepare the way for each team, and nothing would stop them ...

La Fuente is Back!!

Things are very busy at our site! Tony is back from Uruguay and we are about to welcome our first team of the year. They're arriving tomorrow and will be helping with our first week of La Fuente!  This last week, our staff did a recap of our Trauma Competent Care training that we did last year, and we discussed different ways to implement the concepts and ideas that we learned about. We've also been making some changes to our space and vehicles. It has been an intense time of preparation and we are ready to finally put this all into action! All-Staff Meeting La Fuente Art Gallery New logos on all the vehicles! Ministries La Fuente We are kicking off La Fuente with youth group TONIGHT! We have 23 teens enrolled in our program and we haven't seen most of them since December. Our staff is so excited to see all the old faces as well as some new ones!  Pray that God will be at work in each of these individuals, plus the new ones! Right ...

A Year of Abiding

Happy New Year everyone! As a site we are so excited to get back into the swing of this ministry. Tony, our site coordinator spoke to our staff last week about abiding, referring to John 15. He encouraged each of us to abide in the Lord, so that we may bear much fruit in our ministry and in our own personal lives. So, as a ministry, this is our year of abiding and remaining in the Lord, the vine, the true source of life. Our Site We have started off the year with lots of planning, envisioning and organizing for La Fuente. We have a couple of teams of staff members charged with different tasks. Our leadership team is working on very clearly defining and laying out our program, and writing it all down in the hopes that La Fuente can be replicated in different parts of the country. We have another team working on assessing feedback from the last year of the program, hoping to better the program and put all that we've learned in the past year into practice. We have several all-sta...