Some News
Hello everyone!
First of all, my apologies for taking so long with news from our Envision Site, but I wanted to make sure about things before sharing them. I hope that God is pouring many blessings on you and that his goodness and mercy are following you every day of your lives.
I am happy to let you know that we have Laura Rodriguez back with us! She's a resident now and will be staying for 2 years, Lord willing. She's still trying to adjust to being back and figuring out the best way to organize her time in order to keep up with her responsibilities.
Part of her job is to spend time with Claudia to help her improve her English and also help with Diego. Please pray for her to get settled down soon.
Andrea Shetterly is still in the States going through the fundraising process. Pray that she will get the funds needed to come back soon. We need her down here.
We praise God also because there is another girl that decided to come down and work with us in ministry. Her name is Anjolenna and will be (Lord willing) starting a 2 year residency this coming September.
Hungry Church is in the process of transitioning out of Envision. There are about 5 to 6 families, plus some individuals who are excited to be a part of the church now. There is also now a leadership team in place. They will be receiving training in order to lead even better. We, as Envision, are going to support the church from every angle we can, and pray that God will do great things in this city through it.
We started a soccer project with the kids from La Fuente and it's going well. We are receiving training from a professional coach in order to plan good practices for the kids. Our only objective is to keep investing in the lives of these kids and to help them to stay off the streets. Please pray that we'll model Christ for them in every single practice.
I'm also asking God for direction in regards to starting a new ministry that will reach out to poor families. The idea is to empower the families, not only spiritually, but also with the skills that could allow them to apply for jobs or start something on their own so they can put food on the table. The idea is to work along side the CMA churches to find the best candidates to help and that way also strengthen the relationships of the families with the local churches.
I always appreciate the time you take in to read these updates and for the all the different ways you support us. May God bless you!
Laura Rodriguez is back for 2 years now!
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Kids from La Fuente in action during a soccer practice.
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