Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hi there! Just wanted to end this year with one more update for those of you that are always interested in hearing from our site in El Salvador. First of all thanks to all of those that were praying for our fall tour. We had a very good one. We got the chance to talk to the pastors and leaders of the different churches we were visiting. I even had the chance to co-lead worship on a Sunday at Missoula Alliance Church in Montana; it was a great time! We pray that all the work and time invested in this tour will bring the fruit for next year’s ministry down here in El Salvador. After the tour I had the chance to come together with my wife and son again as we attended the Stateside Gathering of Envision in Colorado Springs. It was a great and refreshing time seeing people again and getting to know some new folks from Envision around the world. Then we took 4 days to go visit a friend of my childhood in California that I haven't seen for about 14 years. We had ...