LIFE 2016

How are you? I hope God is blessing you with his grace and mercy everyday. Just wanting to bring you up to speed with things at our site. We had a small group from Missoula, Montana a couple of weeks ago. We had an amazing time with them. They were able to visit the different programs working under the Broken Ministry. It was an awesome time for us and for them to get to know first hand what happens day to day in this. They left very encouraged and planned to put some thoughts together to make some partnership suggestions to their church leadership. We are excited about the idea of enhancing this relationship with Missoula Alliance Church, MT and to see what God has in store for both sides. Tony and Kevin sharing the vision of Envision El Salvador In other news, we want to let you know that for the first time Kevin Cabrera and I are attending the LIFE Conference in Kansas City. (The LIFE Conference is a national CM&A youth conference that happens every ...