
Showing posts from October, 2015
Our director, Tony, is touring the States for the next couple of weeks. He will be speaking at churches, telling them about our mission and vision here at Wired. Please pray for him that God would give him the words to speak and that his time there would be productive. The mens' small group is meeting this Saturday evening. The topic will be on temptaion. Please be praying for the men attending that their hearts will be changed and that they will accept Christ as their Saviour. Also please pray for Ness as he leads the study. Please pray for Kevin and Shaina as they lead La Fuente. God is at work in the lives of the kids here, which means spiritual attack for the people leading. Please pray for protection for them and the kids. Kids at La Fuente learning The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13
Last Friday Gold Rush had their first ministry outreach! We partnered with a local organisation and went to sing, dance, and love the kids at a local children's hospital in honour of Children's Day.  All dressed up and ready to serve Bet you didn't know this is how snakes dance. It was such a joyful experience! Please pray for our team and that we would keep our eyes and ears open to more opportunities. Hungry Church is looking to open its doors in January, and as of right now, there is not a designated pastor.  Please pray that God would raise up the person that he wants to shepherd this new church! Continued prayer for La Fuente is also appreciated.  Please pray for the kids there as they face the day to day struggles of choosing right or wrong in difficult circumstances. Pray for them that they would understand the joy of trusting Christ with their lives and the freedom that is found in him alone.